Well thats just wonderful finding out that your credit card has been thrashed to within an inch of its life and that you will have to live on a card with a limit of 41 Euros for 2 weeks. At least all my food is paid for etc.. Damn, a quick call to my summer employer confirmed what I had suspected. The traditional student credit limit was SOD ALL and definitely not enough! Well, luckily the American plastic turned up yesterday so its time to stick that under the afterburner, and should that not be enough there is always the British cards. Sometimes I swear my wallet is more international than I am!
Oh the joy of dealing with financial institutions, they're about as flexible as a piece of ice!
Well now I got that off my chest its time to listen to podcasts of my internet marketing course and ..... surf the net. All while eating muffins and drinking pepsi. I'm getting good at this American lifestyle !
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But when the soda is cheper than water it's just so damn tempting! Freshman Fifteen's gonna get this poor little exchange student.
As an old NIU alumni and even older BABA i gotta give few tips:
1. Get hold of an old couple called the Jones' (not kidding). Ivan and Ilona are CRAZY about finland and anything that has anything to do with finns. Last fall we got loads of free food, good american home made burgers etc... (warning: they are extremely religious) If interested i have their phone number somewhere..
2. Go to Douglas Hall B (floor with africa paintings) and find Lornett or Blaise or anyone who knows how to swear in finnish and have a blast. There is a lot of good people in NIU.
3. Open a facebook account, and forever be hooked. This is essential in order to becoming an american college student.
4. Always disagree with what people say in bursars office or at the international office (deborah peirce is full of shit)
5. if you see Nitin Goil, bow.
Enjoy the fall.. if you need more tips you find some of us old-timer-huskies from facebook.
Go Huskies!
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