Saturday, September 09, 2006

Football, fun, friends and feelin better!

It's been quite a week. The start as many are sure to be aware was not the best, but gradually this week has got better. In fact better would be an understatement! Its been fantastic. I recieved soup from my support family who I haven't even met yet, my Korean room mates made me tea and food and bought me fruit all week, and generally everyone has been absolutely wonderful and very sincere in wishing me a speedy recovery! And speedy it has been, Thursday I was back in action in the class room and it was nice to be there again, although when I bought the books I wasn't too happy. Even though me an Samu are splitting the costs the books half and half, the cost is still $250 !!!
Anyhow, can't complain when it comes to education...its priceless!!

Friday was a dangerous day, despite the fact that we only visited 3 stores I still managed to put a nice big dent in the plastic in my wallet. Plenty of new CDs, T-shirts and stuff found its way into my possession. I'm increasingly worried because when we get to Chicago the shit is gonna hit the fan and my plastic is gonna melt!

The evening was spent Go-Karting, minigolfing and standing in a batting cage for the first time in my life being fired at by baseballs. I never realised how damn quick those things came! CRICKEY ! Certainly wouldn't wanna get a curveball in the nads. Still Despite my un-athleticism this summer I still managed to slug a good few balls into the roof of the cage, which really made me feel like a man ! Good stuff ! As the Americans say, good clean fun.... well until you go pro and start necking growth hormones for breakfast!

Today was pretty much spent sleeping and watching the University football team in action. The Americans certainly know how to put on a spectacle, and I don't mean Janet J flashing her nips!
Marching bands, cheerleaders, free stuff.... free stuff, noise and generally a good time ! Oh and the football itself was rather good, even though our team the Huskies lost. (Our reciever had greased hands and our defence was like seive)

This evening I'm off to do a dry recce run and visit a keg party.... unfortunately I'm not allowed to drink yet, doctors orders! Anyhow, you certainly don't need alcohol to have a good time ! Although it is a rather good social lubricant.

Over and out !

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