Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Crunk in NIU

After a relatively slow start to the week, things are starting to pick up steam. First days of classes have gone by with no problems, and all except Human resource management seem to be absolutely kick ass ! In our internet marketing course we have prizes on offer for various pieces of work, tmr I gotta try to win some Tickets to a Cubs baseball game in Chicago !!

Well enough of the academic side, we all know why we have been sent on exchange. Culture. Currently I'm trying to drink up all the culture I can with both hands. This includes chilling with the Korean dudes who are our neighbours and like to cook food for us and offer a drink or two, or three, or four....

To hanging with the home boys and their tripped out cars at the front of our dorms. (Think 22" chrome rims, baggy jeans and Dave Chappelle sketches and you're getting close) It honestly feels like we have landed in a completely different planet, everything just seems so surreal!

The campus is great, albeit rather spread out. Thank god for the Huskie buses which constantly drive around campus with no concern for pedestrian life! Then again walking is nice because it gives you the ability to admire the sights which teeter around in small skirts and hotpants, and also check out the campus.

Catch you later

Monday, August 28, 2006

Chicagooooo !!

Well, my journey is most certainly not boring. Having got off the plane and clearing immigration with no problems I jumped into a taxi. After having sat in it for 10 minutes I realised something was not quite right. There was no meter and the driver was most definitely from some arabian country and he spoke very broken English. His driving was straight out of the desert, I would have felt safer running across the freeway. Seeing the Chicago skyline though more than made up for the death ride !

Once I got to the bus station the guy tried to charge me $120 for a $30 trip ! He tried to get me to sign a blank check !! He also then tried to pressure me into signing it before we had agreed a price. Very dodgy ! Luckily I negotiated down to $40. Welcome to America !

At the Bus station the dodgy dealings carried on, in the toilets I bumped into a guy selling stolen jewelery and then another guy wanted to borrow my cell to make a "quick call" Yeah well.... all of these guys were built like brick shit houses and looked like they were carrying pieces so I just said I'm from Europe and they left me alone ! (I don't think they knew where Europe was!)

Anyhow, more updates later... If I can be bothered to sit down and write. Also I will try to get some pictures up here. Thats if someone doesnt steal my camera, or con me out of it !!

Chicago over and out !

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Patted down and felt up

Well this is the first entry into my exchange blog, unfortunately I haven’t been as active as some of my fellow students in writing pre-departure stuff. But at the end of the day that is due to the fact that I have been busier than a rabbit during mating season.

Luckily now I’m sat on a plane somewhere over Canada. 5 hours ago I was extremely worried because at Charles de Gaulle airport those lovely French rolled out a welcome party, which consisted of waiting in the tunnel to the plane for an hour and then having to go though a body search, baggage inspection, latex glove treatment, (Noh thank god not that kind!) and getting your bollocks groped by some French over zealous airport security worker, that happened to look like he was really enjoying getting hands on with his job! Last time I checked patting someone down did not involve feeling them up.

Anyhow, I hope that I can get rid of that traumatic memory so that I won’t automatically have to run in the other direction when I see a security worker.

Really looking forward to getting to DeKalb ! Just have to work out how the heck I’m going to get there.

More updates later, If I get through immigration without being “abused” that is !