The evening went smth like this.....

Seeing who can drink a can of beer quickest, unfortunately I lost with a time of 6 seconds.

Going to bar, ordering food, starting tab, and ordering long island ice teas.

Heading to houseparties somewhere.

Impressing locals with British charm.... hmmm...

Getting thirsty

Mastering beer pong.

And after a hard evening on the town, polishing off what is left of the peppermint liqor.
Luckily I skipped Friday morning, and headed straight into the afternoon portion, which brought with it a trip to Chicago to watch the Blackhawks play some hockey against the St Louis Blues. It was great seeing the huge United Center where both the Chicago Blackhawks and Chicago Bulls play. The game itself was not a great one but the Blackhawks ended their losing streak so there was a pretty good atmosphere.

Then Saturday, I decided to pop down to do some laundry but got hijacked by some friends on the way, and was asked if pizza and beer sounded good. So that was a pretty hard decision. One of the guys got completely hammered on mexican tequila and ended up passing out with his shoes on, so he was as they say "fair game" Out came the markers and profanities and I actually ended up feeling really sorry for the guy. I will post pictures if I can get them off my American phone onto the computer.
The weekend also involved other highpoints, such as going to watch Borats film, which was outragous ! I haven't laughed that hard for so long for quite a while, I'm sure it was made all the sweeter sitting there surrounded by Americans!! If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favour and go to your local cinema. You will not be dissapointed. It was also fun this weekend because I got to drive a friends tripped out car which had 350bhp and 4wd. That certainly made for some fun around the backroads of DeKalb!
Thats all for now, time to hit the books!
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