Fantastic this exchange lark, new experiences, new culture and funny new "akward situations" Yesterday evening me and Samu decided to go and watch a fashion show that was being held on campus by one of the fashion clubs. The show sucked big time and there was nothing "fashionable" about it. Easy to see how all the American guys dress the same way, I think the most fashionable item of clothing was a D&G tshirt. Tres chic indeed!
It was also funny to notice that me and Samu were the minority, and I'm not talking about being from a different country, rather a different race. Out of about 300+ people there were under 6 caucasians, us included. We had a good old laugh that maybe we shoudl try to join some African American sorority!
Anyhow, today is meant to be a free day but I guess I might have to open some school books as we have loads of exams coming up. Then again I didn't say anything about actually reading! Tmr we are heading off to Chicago so that should be a good laugh, and produce some photgraphic material. Sorry but I've been lazy and really can't be bothered to carry around my camera to document me eating American fast food or drinking piss weak American beer! Although I promise more pictures are on the way.
For now though, ta-ta !
DeKalb over and out.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Culture, culture, culture
Well, Thursday evening came and went, leaving behind it empty beer bottles sore heads and promises never to drink again. What started out as the powerhour quickly turned into the century club, which then deteriorated into drinking neat vodka and general...well..... mayhem. It was seriously like a circus because everyone at the party belonged to the uni gymnastic team and were just throwing flips in every possible direction! Certainly made for an entertaining evening!
On a more academic note got the results from one of our courses and was pleasantly suprised as I had managed to get a great score with little studying! Nice to know that I can now sit back even more!! ...... Hope the proffs aren't reading this!
Went out Cd shopping again today as music is so ridiculously cheap here and there are so many great bands. I swear I'm gonna be skint when I get back home, but you only live once!
Thats about all the text that I can squeeze out for now, as the creative part of my brain has ceased to function, time for bed and a movie. But maybe not in that order!
Oh yeah and there was another Tornado that touched down next to campus, so another exodus to the basement (this time I remembered to close the window) In addition to that I experienced an UNBELIEVABLE thunder storm with some amazing lightning! Beats any fireworks that I have ever seen hands down.
N-I-U I-love-you!
Worrying cultural observations about my Korean neighbours
While taking a shower the other day one of the Korean dudes shouted from the cubicle next to me "guess what I'm doing?"
"Taking a shower I hope" I replied.
Well the Korean dude then fired back with some heavy duty fodder........
"I'm masturbating"
......Needless to say I got the heck outta the shower ASAP
Today one of them was walking into the toilets with a videocamera and tripod and proudly told me that he was the director. Director of what ?! Who the hell takes a videocamera into the toilets?! I dread to think what the hell they were doing in there......well whatever floats your boat.
On a more academic note got the results from one of our courses and was pleasantly suprised as I had managed to get a great score with little studying! Nice to know that I can now sit back even more!! ...... Hope the proffs aren't reading this!
Went out Cd shopping again today as music is so ridiculously cheap here and there are so many great bands. I swear I'm gonna be skint when I get back home, but you only live once!
Thats about all the text that I can squeeze out for now, as the creative part of my brain has ceased to function, time for bed and a movie. But maybe not in that order!
Oh yeah and there was another Tornado that touched down next to campus, so another exodus to the basement (this time I remembered to close the window) In addition to that I experienced an UNBELIEVABLE thunder storm with some amazing lightning! Beats any fireworks that I have ever seen hands down.
N-I-U I-love-you!
Worrying cultural observations about my Korean neighbours
While taking a shower the other day one of the Korean dudes shouted from the cubicle next to me "guess what I'm doing?"
"Taking a shower I hope" I replied.
Well the Korean dude then fired back with some heavy duty fodder........
"I'm masturbating"
......Needless to say I got the heck outta the shower ASAP
Today one of them was walking into the toilets with a videocamera and tripod and proudly told me that he was the director. Director of what ?! Who the hell takes a videocamera into the toilets?! I dread to think what the hell they were doing in there......well whatever floats your boat.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Multiple guess, gym and the powerhour
Well, it's been fairly quiet these last couple of days. Had my first midterm exam in the principles of selling course, which was a multiple guess *ahem* sorry... choice. I hope it went well because I spent a very precious 40 minutes skimming over the book....which cost $150.. Money well spent as they say. In addition to trying to study I have actually suceeded in going to the gym, and in ploughing my way through the 3kg monstrosity of weight gainer, which suprisingly enough actually tastes good.........
..........But not as good as an ice cold brewski... Which is why I have organised the powerhour at a friends house for thursday evening. Should be a riot, although I hope not literally. Last time I was at a house party the cops came and stood behind the door for 15 minutes, but luckily here you don't need to let them in ! Well thats all for now, more updates later..
cornfields over and out !
..........But not as good as an ice cold brewski... Which is why I have organised the powerhour at a friends house for thursday evening. Should be a riot, although I hope not literally. Last time I was at a house party the cops came and stood behind the door for 15 minutes, but luckily here you don't need to let them in ! Well thats all for now, more updates later..
cornfields over and out !
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Weight gain 2200
Oh yea people, it's cheap thrills for me. The plastic is dead. Still that doesn't matter, I have decided that it would be a travesty for me to come back from America weighing the same as when I left, especially since everyone talks about how they gain weight here. So I took a leaf out of Eric Cartmans book and got myself some weightgainer *beeefcaaaake* and will start visiting the awesome free gym on a daily basis. (check back in a few weeks to see how I'm going)
*everything is bigger in America*
Today me and Samu walked into a dingy looking store wondering if there would be anything inside that would tickle our fancy, as we are both incurable shop-a-holics. Well, 30 minutes later we had to drag ourselves out of what turned out being a factory outlet store. We both ran around the store as though we had never seen clothes before, which is quite worrying. Anyhow, we have put off our trip to Chicago so as to let our finances settle, and I guess to work out if we are going to need a cargo plane on the return journey to Finland.
Our courses at uni are just getting better and better. In one of our marketing courses with big gay al (I swear the guy is straight out of Southpark) we watched adverts for half an hour and discussed the differences between North American and other countries ads. Good fun, also got to see some of the famous superbowl adverts (google Budweiser ads) which were for want of a better word. Hilarious!
and now the fucking fire alarms gone off, nice. Hahahaha Samu was in the shower and walked out of the building 5 minutes after everyone else... Priceless.
The joys of living in dorms with 4,000 other students in the same complex. Bound to be a few pyromaniacs!

Today me and Samu walked into a dingy looking store wondering if there would be anything inside that would tickle our fancy, as we are both incurable shop-a-holics. Well, 30 minutes later we had to drag ourselves out of what turned out being a factory outlet store. We both ran around the store as though we had never seen clothes before, which is quite worrying. Anyhow, we have put off our trip to Chicago so as to let our finances settle, and I guess to work out if we are going to need a cargo plane on the return journey to Finland.
Our courses at uni are just getting better and better. In one of our marketing courses with big gay al (I swear the guy is straight out of Southpark) we watched adverts for half an hour and discussed the differences between North American and other countries ads. Good fun, also got to see some of the famous superbowl adverts (google Budweiser ads) which were for want of a better word. Hilarious!
and now the fucking fire alarms gone off, nice. Hahahaha Samu was in the shower and walked out of the building 5 minutes after everyone else... Priceless.
The joys of living in dorms with 4,000 other students in the same complex. Bound to be a few pyromaniacs!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Verified by visa
Well thats just wonderful finding out that your credit card has been thrashed to within an inch of its life and that you will have to live on a card with a limit of 41 Euros for 2 weeks. At least all my food is paid for etc.. Damn, a quick call to my summer employer confirmed what I had suspected. The traditional student credit limit was SOD ALL and definitely not enough! Well, luckily the American plastic turned up yesterday so its time to stick that under the afterburner, and should that not be enough there is always the British cards. Sometimes I swear my wallet is more international than I am!
Oh the joy of dealing with financial institutions, they're about as flexible as a piece of ice!
Well now I got that off my chest its time to listen to podcasts of my internet marketing course and ..... surf the net. All while eating muffins and drinking pepsi. I'm getting good at this American lifestyle !
Oh the joy of dealing with financial institutions, they're about as flexible as a piece of ice!
Well now I got that off my chest its time to listen to podcasts of my internet marketing course and ..... surf the net. All while eating muffins and drinking pepsi. I'm getting good at this American lifestyle !
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Football, fun, friends and feelin better!
It's been quite a week. The start as many are sure to be aware was not the best, but gradually this week has got better. In fact better would be an understatement! Its been fantastic. I recieved soup from my support family who I haven't even met yet, my Korean room mates made me tea and food and bought me fruit all week, and generally everyone has been absolutely wonderful and very sincere in wishing me a speedy recovery! And speedy it has been, Thursday I was back in action in the class room and it was nice to be there again, although when I bought the books I wasn't too happy. Even though me an Samu are splitting the costs the books half and half, the cost is still $250 !!!
Anyhow, can't complain when it comes to education...its priceless!!
Friday was a dangerous day, despite the fact that we only visited 3 stores I still managed to put a nice big dent in the plastic in my wallet. Plenty of new CDs, T-shirts and stuff found its way into my possession. I'm increasingly worried because when we get to Chicago the shit is gonna hit the fan and my plastic is gonna melt!
The evening was spent Go-Karting, minigolfing and standing in a batting cage for the first time in my life being fired at by baseballs. I never realised how damn quick those things came! CRICKEY ! Certainly wouldn't wanna get a curveball in the nads. Still Despite my un-athleticism this summer I still managed to slug a good few balls into the roof of the cage, which really made me feel like a man ! Good stuff ! As the Americans say, good clean fun.... well until you go pro and start necking growth hormones for breakfast!
Today was pretty much spent sleeping and watching the University football team in action. The Americans certainly know how to put on a spectacle, and I don't mean Janet J flashing her nips!
Marching bands, cheerleaders, free stuff.... free stuff, noise and generally a good time ! Oh and the football itself was rather good, even though our team the Huskies lost. (Our reciever had greased hands and our defence was like seive)
This evening I'm off to do a dry recce run and visit a keg party.... unfortunately I'm not allowed to drink yet, doctors orders! Anyhow, you certainly don't need alcohol to have a good time ! Although it is a rather good social lubricant.
Over and out !
Anyhow, can't complain when it comes to education...its priceless!!
Friday was a dangerous day, despite the fact that we only visited 3 stores I still managed to put a nice big dent in the plastic in my wallet. Plenty of new CDs, T-shirts and stuff found its way into my possession. I'm increasingly worried because when we get to Chicago the shit is gonna hit the fan and my plastic is gonna melt!
The evening was spent Go-Karting, minigolfing and standing in a batting cage for the first time in my life being fired at by baseballs. I never realised how damn quick those things came! CRICKEY ! Certainly wouldn't wanna get a curveball in the nads. Still Despite my un-athleticism this summer I still managed to slug a good few balls into the roof of the cage, which really made me feel like a man ! Good stuff ! As the Americans say, good clean fun.... well until you go pro and start necking growth hormones for breakfast!
Today was pretty much spent sleeping and watching the University football team in action. The Americans certainly know how to put on a spectacle, and I don't mean Janet J flashing her nips!
Marching bands, cheerleaders, free stuff.... free stuff, noise and generally a good time ! Oh and the football itself was rather good, even though our team the Huskies lost. (Our reciever had greased hands and our defence was like seive)
This evening I'm off to do a dry recce run and visit a keg party.... unfortunately I'm not allowed to drink yet, doctors orders! Anyhow, you certainly don't need alcohol to have a good time ! Although it is a rather good social lubricant.
Over and out !
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Tornados and a Temperature
When I signed up to come to De Kalb, I didn't realize that there was a risk of tornados here ! So you can imagine my amazement when yesterday the loudspeaker in our dorms belted out "A tornado warning has been issued for southern De Kalb area, please evacuate to the basement immediately staying away from any windows"
For a few moments I thought I was hallucinating as I was at that point laying in bed with a very high fever. Unfortunately I wasn't which meant draging my sweaty ass down to the basement and sitting there in the cold for 45 minutes while the Tornado passed pretty much over us!
Other than that theres not much news from over here except that I have a bitch ass fever and a killer throat, coupled with nice muscle pains.... NICE !
Oh and today I turned 24, not one of the best birthdays ever !
Adios !
For a few moments I thought I was hallucinating as I was at that point laying in bed with a very high fever. Unfortunately I wasn't which meant draging my sweaty ass down to the basement and sitting there in the cold for 45 minutes while the Tornado passed pretty much over us!
Other than that theres not much news from over here except that I have a bitch ass fever and a killer throat, coupled with nice muscle pains.... NICE !
Oh and today I turned 24, not one of the best birthdays ever !
Adios !
Saturday, September 02, 2006
This is the hood
Finally got some pictures up here on the net for all to marvel at.
American style, now all we need are the mullets !

Soon I'll be taking my game to the stadium !!

Stevenson Towers, where we have a room on the top floor. Unfortunately not a penthouse.
Huskie stadium, home to the University football team the capacity of the stadium is a fairly respectable 28,000 people. Doesn't look much from this angle but an overhead view shows the whole truth!

Soon I'll be taking my game to the stadium !!

Stevenson Towers, where we have a room on the top floor. Unfortunately not a penthouse.

Friday, September 01, 2006
Beer bongs and gangland fights
BEER BONG : using a large funnel to rapidly consume a large amount of beer, or similar alcoholic beverage, as a sort of drinking game. The inherent challenge is to swallow the rapid flow of beer without spilling it.
Quote of the evening from yours truly : "Spilling it, no sir, not me. I'm never one to waste good alcohol"
A couple of classes in the morning followed by some shopping and topped off with a real beauty, the American college house party! Yes folks yesterday was one of those evenings where the beer bong was in use all evening the music slamming and the atmosphere electric. This was my first outing "in the wild" here and most certainly wont be the last, needless to say I kept my fellow countrymens reputation up by chugging down insanely cheap coronas all evening like a seasoned professional.
Walking back from the party with a local I witnessed my first proper hardcore fight, which included baseball bats tripped out SUV's and American history x style curb kissing. One guy was making sure the others ride was proper messed up while two other guys were taking care of the dudes on the ground. Not something that I wanted to see. These guys were pretty damn serious and I most certainly wasn't going to politely ask them to stop as I would have no doubt been given the same treatment as the poor guys on the ground. luckily the cops were on point pretty sharpish, and chasing after the guys, so that was nice to know that the rozzers here react quickly.
More photos on the way, when I can actually remember to take my camera out with me!
Well, I had better make a few phone calls and sort myself out for this evening!
Adios amigos
Quote of the evening from yours truly : "Spilling it, no sir, not me. I'm never one to waste good alcohol"
A couple of classes in the morning followed by some shopping and topped off with a real beauty, the American college house party! Yes folks yesterday was one of those evenings where the beer bong was in use all evening the music slamming and the atmosphere electric. This was my first outing "in the wild" here and most certainly wont be the last, needless to say I kept my fellow countrymens reputation up by chugging down insanely cheap coronas all evening like a seasoned professional.
Walking back from the party with a local I witnessed my first proper hardcore fight, which included baseball bats tripped out SUV's and American history x style curb kissing. One guy was making sure the others ride was proper messed up while two other guys were taking care of the dudes on the ground. Not something that I wanted to see. These guys were pretty damn serious and I most certainly wasn't going to politely ask them to stop as I would have no doubt been given the same treatment as the poor guys on the ground. luckily the cops were on point pretty sharpish, and chasing after the guys, so that was nice to know that the rozzers here react quickly.
More photos on the way, when I can actually remember to take my camera out with me!
Well, I had better make a few phone calls and sort myself out for this evening!
Adios amigos
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