Well enough of the academic side, we all know why we have been sent on exchange. Culture. Currently I'm trying to drink up all the culture I can with both hands. This includes chilling with the Korean dudes who are our neighbours and like to cook food for us and offer a drink or two, or three, or four....

To hanging with the home boys and their tripped out cars at the front of our dorms. (Think 22" chrome rims, baggy jeans and Dave Chappelle sketches and you're getting close) It honestly feels like we have landed in a completely different planet, everything just seems so surreal!
The campus is great, albeit rather spread out. Thank god for the Huskie buses which constantly drive around campus with no concern for pedestrian life! Then again walking is nice because it gives you the ability to admire the sights which teeter around in small skirts and hotpants, and also check out the campus.
Catch you later